Some events are hard to put in to words.........some posts are very difficult for me to relive as I tell our story. Please be patient with me as I struggle to spare you some of my very raw emotions on this subject. Many posts are written (and re-written) several times as I attempt to capture the meat of the story and leave some of the seasoning behind!
For those of you just tuning in and wondering what I am rambling about, I hope you will read my earlier posts and catch up with our story. For those of you who have been along for the whole wild ride, thanks for hanging with me! I would very much appreciate your comments/thoughts..... helps to know someone is out there!
One year ago...............
“Thanks for
sharing your birthday cake with me” mom beamed as she wiped the cheesecake from
around her mouth. I don’t know if I looked
tired or if mom just knows how much I like to sleep in the mornings (since I
don’t do so well night), but before I left that evening mom said, “I’ll be fine
in the morning, you should sleep in a little tomorrow for your birthday”.
I have to
admit, sleeping in sounded like an awesome way to start my birthday. “Are you sure you’ll be OK if I wait to come
in until a little later?” I asked mom.
Mom assured me she would be fine and would call if she needed anything
before saying, “I’m sure toothache girl will be in at 5 to make me use the
bedpan”. Huh? (we didn't know her name, but had called the aide "toothache girl" ever since she had informed mom that she knew what kind of pain mom was in because of her toothache).
When I questioned mom about using the bedpan rather than the commode, she told me that when this particular aide worked she always made her use the bedpan AND she had woken mom up the past two mornings so mom could “try” to go. “It’s OK, it’s just hard to get back to sleep”, mom was resigned to it being the way things were.
“Why does
she wake you to use the restroom?” I wanted to know, “have you had
accidents?” My mother assured me she had
not had any accidents and the reason the aide gave her for waking her was that
the aide was leaving early and there would be no one there to help for a
“couple hours”. WHAT?

Knowing I
was fighting a futile battle, I left the bedpan incident to rest and headed to
moms room; at least toothache girl wouldn't be back before I got mom out of
there. It hated that I would be taking
her out of the Skilled Nursing Facility and right back to the hospital instead
of home; just thinking about mom having to have another surgery annoyed me all
over again. Unfortunately, this hadn't
been the first time mom had been further compromised by incompetence, arrogance,
ignorance and/or negligence; I could only pray it had been the last.

Many times
when I would try to explain some of the nuances of moms’ rheumatoid disease, I
would hear about their knowledge and/or experience with “arthritis”. It’s obvious that many people don’t
understand the ramifications and/or the systemic effects of RA, or that OA
(while still very painful, I’m sure) is not quite the same.
and interestingly (at least to me), since she had been on the antibiotics that
were prescribed to treat the Mycobacterium Avium Infection, moms’ RA had not flared;
her lungs seemed to be clearing some; and, in spite of the pending “urgent”
surgery and again the possibility of
losing her leg, her spirits were good and her faith in God was solid.
the advanced stage of moms’ Rheumatoid Disease came with other
complications. Even when she wasn't in a flare, moms’ crippled hands made it difficult for her to hold things and impossible to open things; the deformities in her feet made it painful to stand; her “good” knee, as well as her shoulders; wrists; hips and ankles made a grinding sound every time she moved; and a good day was any day that her pain could be brought down to a 3 on the pain scale. Of course, she has lived with RA for 50+ years, so a “3” for mom would probably be a twelve for me.
complications. Even when she wasn't in a flare, moms’ crippled hands made it difficult for her to hold things and impossible to open things; the deformities in her feet made it painful to stand; her “good” knee, as well as her shoulders; wrists; hips and ankles made a grinding sound every time she moved; and a good day was any day that her pain could be brought down to a 3 on the pain scale. Of course, she has lived with RA for 50+ years, so a “3” for mom would probably be a twelve for me.
As I sat
with my mom that morning and in to the early afternoon, I wondered if there had
been something, anything, I could
have done to alter the course we seemed to now be on. Maybe, if I hadn't been such a brat when I
was a teenager and not caused my mother so much stress, she would have had
fewer flares resulting in less overall damage.
Maybe, if I hadn't been such an accident prone child moms’ stress level
wouldn't have been so high. I know she
was diagnosed around the time she was pregnant with me, so maybe I caused this horrible disease in my mother. I didn't voice any of these ridiculous
thoughts to my mother; my despair would only be another burden for her.
By the time
I returned to the hotel I was feeling pretty depressed and very alone. As I
pulled in to a parking space, a voice in my head reminded me I was never alone; I sat in my car and prayed. Another voice reminded me the course we were on was, somehow, the road we were intended to travel; that I was not powerful enough to have in any way altered the course that God intended. I was feeling better by the time I inserted the key in to my hotel room lock; not so alone.
pulled in to a parking space, a voice in my head reminded me I was never alone; I sat in my car and prayed. Another voice reminded me the course we were on was, somehow, the road we were intended to travel; that I was not powerful enough to have in any way altered the course that God intended. I was feeling better by the time I inserted the key in to my hotel room lock; not so alone.
The next
thing I felt was sheer panic as I stepped in to my hotel room. Someone was (or recently had been) in my
room; something was different, I could feel it.
I glanced toward the counter in the small kitchenette hoping to spot something
I could use as a weapon in case someone was hiding in the bedroom or the
bathroom. Deciding a butter knife
probably wouldn't be an effective weapon, I thought maybe the best course of
action was to back out of the room and get help at the front desk.
As I backed out
as slowly and as quietly as possible, I scanned the room looking for
something out of place. I had almost pulled the door closed when my sight landed on something that certainly hadn't been there when I left that morning. I just stood there staring; wanting to know who had left it and how they got in. I nearly jumped out of my skin when my cell phone rang in my hand.
something out of place. I had almost pulled the door closed when my sight landed on something that certainly hadn't been there when I left that morning. I just stood there staring; wanting to know who had left it and how they got in. I nearly jumped out of my skin when my cell phone rang in my hand.
“Hi mom,
Happy Birthday!” my younger daughters’ voice made me relax a little. I stepped quickly out in the hall and closed
the door as quietly as I could before saying “Thank you, honey”. I was halfway down the hall toward the
elevator and was getting ready to tell my daughter about the mystery in my room
when she asked, “Did you get the flowers we sent”?
I stopped in
my tracks; mystery solved; no need to alert the authorities! Sure glad she called before I got downstairs! I could just picture myself explaining that
someone had broken in to my room and left me flowers; talk about priceless!
Thank you for sharing your story. I love how it includes three generations of women being there for each other :)
Thank you for taking time to read the story Allison. I hadn't even thought of the three generation thing!
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