Some events are hard to put in to words.........some posts are very difficult for me to relive as I tell our story. Please be patient with me as I struggle to spare you some of my very raw emotions on this subject. Many posts are written (and re-written) several times as I attempt to capture the meat of the story and leave some of the seasoning behind!
Thanks for hanging with me! I would very much appreciate your comments/ helps to know someone is out there!
I don't always like the answers
When I
opened my eyes, at nearly 10:00am, on August 24th, 2013, I almost
panicked before I remembered that my husband had left the hotel early to go
have breakfast with mom; he would have called me if there had been a need for
me to hurry to the SNF. It felt good to
not have to rush; to just lie there; to just relax. As I lay there, I wondered how long it had
been since I had actually slept in; I honestly didn't know the answer.
Since March
of 2012 I had been up early each morning to take care of mom; even when she was
in the hospital, I felt the need to be there almost immediately after opening my
eyes to help mom with the things that seem to get overlooked (or ignored) by
medical personnel; things that were important.

I may be naive,
but, it seems to me that it should be a requirement that EVERY medical facility
(hospitals; nursing homes; skilled nursing facilities; rehab facilities; etc.)
maintain a staff to patient ratio that allows for adequate personal hygiene. And, yes, I've looked at both the state and
federal regulations that state (in part):
7.3.1 Staff
shall be sufficient in number to provide prompt assistance to persons needing
or potentially needing assistance, considering individual needs such as the
risk of accidents, hazards, or other untoward events. Staff shall provide such
assistance. (and)
§ 483.30
Nursing services. The facility must have sufficient nursing staff to provide
nursing and related services to attain or maintain the highest practicable
physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of each resident, as determined
by resident assessments and individual plans of care.

Has it
always been this way and I was just too removed to really see it? Was I just as much to blame as the next
person for what our medical society had become because it was easy to ignore
and turn a blind eye to things that hadn't affected me personally? I wish I knew the answers. Yeah, I think obsessing pretty much covers

I also thought about all the past surgeries; what she had gone through; the preparation; the instructions. Uh-oh, had the SNF received the instructions? Did they know what the preparation entailed? It’s always better to obsess over something you might be able to do something about, don’t you think?
As soon as I
arrived at the SNF I went looking for moms’ nurse and make sure things
were on track. “Yes, we have them”, the nurse said as she quickly flipped through moms’ chart. I thanked her for her help and started to head to the dining room to meet mom and Mark for lunch when the nurse smiled and added, “As soon as our doctor gets back on Wednesday, we can implement them”. Excuse me?! I really didn't like that answer.
I wasn't sure I had heard her right and I couldn't believe we were going to do this dance again. “What?” I asked incredulously. Some of moms’ medications should have been stopped the day before and some of them were to be stopped Monday morning, there was no way I was going to wait until Wednesday to address this. Someone needed to answer to this NOW.
were on track. “Yes, we have them”, the nurse said as she quickly flipped through moms’ chart. I thanked her for her help and started to head to the dining room to meet mom and Mark for lunch when the nurse smiled and added, “As soon as our doctor gets back on Wednesday, we can implement them”. Excuse me?! I really didn't like that answer.
I wasn't sure I had heard her right and I couldn't believe we were going to do this dance again. “What?” I asked incredulously. Some of moms’ medications should have been stopped the day before and some of them were to be stopped Monday morning, there was no way I was going to wait until Wednesday to address this. Someone needed to answer to this NOW.
I can tell
you that there weren't enough hours in a day for that nurse to have managed to have a minimum of two hours per
patient that day; at least a third of her day was spent dealing with me. It was well after 5:00pm by the time a PA
finally came in and signed the orders.
One would think after all that, the problem would be taken care of; I wasn't so sure.
As I was
helping mom get ready for bed that evening, I alerted her to be on the look-out for the discontinued medications; we went through her list of meds
and discussed which ones she should not take before surgery. Luckily, although my mother has certainly
dealt with her share of physical disabilities, with the infections under
control and her no longer taking morphine for pain, her mind was still pretty
For two days
after my discussion with the nurse and the PA signing off on the orders, they
were still trying to give mom the medications that were to be discontinued; mom politely refused them. Mom also had to remind therapists that she
was now NWB over and over again; couldn't they read their notes? I couldn't wait to get mom out of there, even
if it was to go back to the hospital!
How sad is that?

How long had
it been since I’d really prayed; since I had “Let go and let God”?
That night I
prayed like the sinner I am; I thanked God for the many blessings He has
bestowed on me; asked forgiveness for my sins and to help me forgive others; pleaded
with Him to not let mom lose her leg; and I tried not to question His plan. OK, I said I “tried”. I really needed answers.
I mean, I
know He has a plan and that somehow everything we were going through was part
of it, but I still struggled with it; I still cried myself to sleep as I
wondered how my mothers’ pain and suffering could be part of any plan.
For the next
several nights, I had vivid dreams about how I would take care of mom if she
only had one leg; let’s face it, they were nightmares. “Oh, Dear Lord, please don’t let this be an
omen” I prayed silently each morning when I woke.
In my heart
of hearts, I know God answers all prayers; I also know I don’t always like the answer.
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