If you're "just tuning in" this post may leave you wondering what the heck I am rambling about, I hope you take the time to go back and review my earlier posts so you can catch up with our story. I very much appreciate your thoughts and comments.
For anyone who has been along for the whole wild ride - Thank you!
Tougher than they thought!
“Did I wake you? I’m sorry”, my mother said as I answered
the phone, the tone in her voice had me up and dressing as I asked her what was
wrong. She assured me it was nothing
urgent; that I should just call her back when I got up. Deciding it was going to take me longer to
figure out what was wrong than my bladder could stand after sleeping for twelve
hours, I told mom I would call her back.
Inside of ten minutes I called mom back as I was getting in
to the car so I could get to the hospital.
When mom answered the phone I asked her what was wrong. Mom told me about them waking her up early to
take blood; her toast being cold; it being hot in her room; and the noises
bothering her during the night. She
still had that tone in her voice and I knew there was something else; something
she wasn't saying. I told mom I was just
getting on the Interstate and would be there soon.

“OK, I’ll just talk to you when you get here”, mom
said. We were just saying goodbye when
she said, “Yeah, I’m not very happy with a couple of therapists here”. Uh-huh, there it was…….I knew there was
something in her tone. I asked her what
they had done; mom sounded disgusted when she replied, “Well, they did my
evaluation for rehab”. My stomach
churned and my heart sank. “I’ll tell
you when I see you & I’ll see when you get here, honey”, mom chirped and
before she hung up she added, “They are not going to let me go”.

The line went dead before I realized what she was saying. Unconsciously, I stepped on the gas in my
panic. “Holy cow!” I caught a glimpse of
my speedometer as I was approaching my exit – eighty two in a 55 is NEVER a
good thing! I had slowed to sixty as I
sailed off the exit, which was clearly marked 35MPH – also not a good
thing. I figured I had already pushed my
luck as far as I should so I slammed on my breaks when the light turned red,
dumping my purse and everything else from the seats to the floor. “Damn!” I hit the steering wheel so hard it
hurt my hand, “Don’t I deserve something good?!” I seethed to myself. “I guess not”, I told myself as I looked at
the stain I had on my blouse when I parked in the only spot I could find, which
was about as far from where I needed to be as I could get. I really needed to get it together; I didn't
want mom to see me like this.

I stopped in the ladies room, splashed cold water on my
face; dabbed at the stain on my blouse and tried to look presentable before I
continued on to moms’ room. I thought I
had myself under control as I stepped off the elevator and headed down the
hall, but I could feel the lump in my throat getting bigger. I held the tears back as I headed towards the
washroom and had almost made it when I ran in to the nurse I was so fond of
from the rehab department. As always,
the nurse gave me a hug and then, as if she sensed something was wrong, held me
at arm’s length and looked in to my eyes – “what’s wrong?” she was so

Through my sobbing I explained to the nurse that I really
didn't know what was wrong. I told her
about the call from mom and that it sounded like they had already done the
rehab evaluation. I needed to find out
more from mom but I needed to get myself under control first. The nurse helped me calm down, and then we
decided that I needed to get more information in order to know which direction
to go next. “I didn't think they were
doing any eval’s until this afternoon”, the nurse looked confused as we parted

When I made it to moms’ room, she didn't look confused – she
looked MAD! “What did they say?” I asked
mom as I walked in to the room and set my purse down. In great detail mom explained to me how
unhappy she was with these two therapists; she wanted to know how they could
decide in less than 10 minutes that she didn't qualify for Acute Rehab. “Did they say you didn't qualify?" I wanted to
know. Mom went on to tell me that the
therapists didn't think she was strong enough to participate in the required 3
hour per day therapy. “What did you tell
them?” I didn't know what, but something seemed off; this wasn't the way they
had evaluated her the first time.

“I told them I was pretty sure I was tougher than they
thought I was” mom said adamantly. The
look on her face made me laugh and she smiled; looked at me quizzically and
said, “It’s NOT funny”. We both laughed
harder. Once I quit giggling and
composed myself, I looked around to see what I could do to keep busy. I was nervous. I knew I had to talk to mom about an
alternate plan for rehab. I also knew I
couldn't do it right then without crying.
I focused on her water glass, scooped it up and told mom I was going for
ice as I left the room.
I was feeling more composed as I rounded the corner returning to moms’
room. I decided there was no better time
than the present to broach the subject, “well, if you can’t stay here………” I had started talking before I got clear in
the door and stopped short when I realized we weren't alone.

A second later I was shaking hands with the Acute Rehab
Director and was being introduced to the intern who was on rotation in the
department. After exchanging
pleasantries and complimenting mom on how good she looked, the doctor told us
that therapy would be in to evaluate mom “after lunch”. “We know how hard she works and as long as
the evaluation goes well, we’ll be happy to have her back” the doctor was
saying. Huh? We said goodbye to the doctors and mom and I
were left there staring at each other.

“I thought you said therapy had already been here for the
evaluation” I wasn't sure what was going on. Mom assured me that two girls she had never seen before from the therapy
department had been in and had told her that she wouldn't qualify for Acute
Rehab. I was confused, something was not
clicking. “Did they tell you they were
there for the rehab eval?” I asked mom.
They hadn't specifically said they were there for the evaluation, just
for therapy. It finally made sense, I
thought I had it figured out.
There was one thing I knew for sure………..
My mom was tougher than they thought!
Having been the caregiver to several family members and a current RA sufferer your blog speaks to me in many ways. I am very glad to continue reading about your journey.
So glad you're still tagging along with me Tanya! As always, I appreciate knowing that others are interested!
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