If you're "just tuning in" this post may leave you wondering what the heck I am rambling about, I hope you take the time to go back and review my earlier posts so you can catch up with our story. I very much appreciate your thoughts and comments.
For anyone who has been along for the whole wild ride - Thank you!
I wasn't ready

It was nearly 8:00PM when I got back to the hotel. Before I delved in to the research that I HAD
to do that night I called my husband, then sent a text to all my siblings and my aunt letting them all
know what was going on. I needed validation for the decision I was making and was hoping one of them would have some great words of wisdom, looking back I'm not sure the collective response of "I/we trust you" was so wise.
I was really
struggling with the decision to have mom stay at a SNF until her six week
follow up on August 23rd; she also had a follow up with the
infectious disease doctor on the 11th. I was having a hard time deciding which
was the lesser of evils.
should I just insist she go home with me with the IV antibiotics and
have to make two trips back for the appointments? Even though it was summer time, the trip would take about ten hours (round trip) each time and require three days/two nights in a hotel. We hadn't yet
even tried the car transfers, so I didn't know how much of a challenge that
might be.

“I’ll have the kids with me”, my daughter readily agreed to go meet
me to tour the SNF’s I had chosen. I was
feeling better knowing I would have a nurse with me to inspected the
facility. And, what better way to test
someone’s patience than to show up, unannounced, with a two year old and an
infant in tow? Pleased I wouldn't have to go alone for the surprise inspection, I settled in for the night.

At 10:00AM the following morning I met my daughter and grand babies
at the only place I had left on my list.
It was a big, beautiful building with well kept
grounds. There were condos for independent living; an
ALF for those who needed a little more assistance; the SNF for people, like mom,
who needed skilled nursing and rehab; then there was a nursing home. Not knowing which door we were to enter, of
course we picked the wrong one and entered on the ALF side. It took us several minutes to convince the
receptionist that, with the babies, it was easier for us to walk through to the
other side than to load them back up and drive around. Begrudgingly, the receptionist finally told
us which turns to take to get us through to the SNF side of the building, and
then she cautioned us about how easy it was to get lost.
It turned out we did get lost several times as we wandered through
the facility, I didn't consider this a bad thing. Fortunately, everybody we ran into was very
helpful and in just a few minutes we had arrived at the SNF. We talked to residents; nurses; kitchen
workers; maintenance men; therapists and the intake coordinator. Everybody was extremely nice (except the ALF
receptionist, but I figured she was just having a bad day). The common areas were clean and we didn't detect any unpleasant odors.
Unfortunately, there were no private rooms available for us to tour; we
were assured there was going to be a private room available for mom within a
day or two as we were shown a double room that was marginally acceptable.

I knew I was past my noon deadline, but just barely; I left a
message for the discharge planner that we had made a decision. Feeling like we had done all we could to
ensure mom would be safe and well cared for, we left the facility and went to lunch.
Spending time with my daughter and the babies helped take my mind
off of everything else I had going on. Listening
to my grandson chatter and my granddaughter coo lightened my mood
considerably. It was
nearly 1:30PM when we finished eating and loaded the kids in my daughters’
car. The sheer delight in my grandsons’
eyes as I caught the kiss he blew was still lingering in my mind as I got in my
own car and eased out in to traffic. They
say “every cloud has a silver lining”, my grand babies were mine!
As I headed back to the hospital to make arrangements for mom to be
transferred to the SNF, I dialed the Discharge Planner again; still no answer. I dialed moms’ cell phone; no answer. I had no idea how quickly they were planning
on moving mom and was hoping that my earlier message hadn't prompted them to
start the move without me; the Intake Coordinator at the facility had indicated
they already had mom on their list, but I hadn't thought much about it at the
My mind was going 100MPH; my car was going eighty as I approached my
which wouldn't be so bad except the speed limit is 55! I really have to stop that!
wow I'm on the edge of my seat.
Don't fall off!
Yep those grand babies sure can take our minds off of things for while, which is very much needed therapy. Love to read what happens next.
It's the best therapy I know of for sure! I'm almost ready to reveal what happens next :)
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