How Could I Say No?
It was just
before 1:00AM on February 23, 2013 when I returned to mom’s room. The nurse thanked me for the tip I had given
her to calm mom down. “It’s pretty sad
that she is that scared to go back there”, the nurse said as she handed me a
sheet for the couch. Did she realize it was February in Colorado I wondered? I was obviously in need of sleep.
I was in
tears as I laid the sheet over that stupid
tiny couch. Would
it have killed her to at least give me a pillow? Why was I acting so hateful? I was getting myself all worked up. I considered wandering the halls until I
found the blanket warmer. I pictured
myself slamming the doors. I’ll make sure they know how rude it was to
not offer me a blanket. I tried
reasoning with myself. She probably just forgot. I told myself how irrational I was being, I
didn’t care. Is she just going to forget about mom too? I was literally stomping my feet and acting
like a spoiled child. I was even arguing
with myself about marching out and giving them a piece of my mind. What
was wrong with me?
“You came back”, mom made me jump. I immediately regretted the fit I had just thrown. Seconds later the nurse was handing me a pillow and blanket. I felt like crawling under that couch.
“You came back”, mom made me jump. I immediately regretted the fit I had just thrown. Seconds later the nurse was handing me a pillow and blanket. I felt like crawling under that couch.
“Of course I
came back, mom, I told you I would”, I turned away and wiped my eyes.
She asked about the surgery, but before I could respond mom closed
her eyes and seemed to be dreaming. She
was holding her arms in the air and appeared to be pushing imaginary buttons,
which seemed to correlate with the beeping of all the machines she was hooked to. All at once she dropped her arms. I jumped when she hissed at me, “You
promised”. I reminded her where she
was. “I know where I am”, mom snarled,
“You get me out of here”!
“I can’t, mom”, tears were stinging my eyes. I gently pried her crippled hands from the rail she kept trying to pull herself up with. What the heck is going on? “I don’t think they want you to get up yet”, I reasoned, “We’ll have to call the nurse”. She didn’t care what they wanted. Mom wanted me to get her out of there NOW. “Mom, you know I can’t do that”, I was getting scared.
“I can’t, mom”, tears were stinging my eyes. I gently pried her crippled hands from the rail she kept trying to pull herself up with. What the heck is going on? “I don’t think they want you to get up yet”, I reasoned, “We’ll have to call the nurse”. She didn’t care what they wanted. Mom wanted me to get her out of there NOW. “Mom, you know I can’t do that”, I was getting scared.
So much for my
mother being sweet! “You know you could,
if you wanted to. YOU KNOW YOU COULD”, mom looked at me like I
was the spawn of Satan. She was still
pulling on the rail and ranting at me. I
didn’t want them to think mom was crazy.
I didn’t want to have a replay of last October. And, I certainly didn’t want mom to damage
her newly repaired spine.
The nurse
had tried “nice” and it hadn’t worked. “You
think you can get up?” the nurse sounded irritated, “go ahead, but we’re not
helping you.” That was kind of mean. I was
not happy with the tone she used with my mother.
mom was not happy either. “Fine, I will”,
mom glared at the nurse. Then she glared
at me. Once again, she tried to pull
herself to a sitting position. Of course
she wasn’t able to, but it scared me to death when she tried to swing her legs
over the edge of the bed. She had just
had 12 hours of surgery on her spine!
Mom finally seemed to have worn herself out. She laid her head back and went sound to
sleep. Well, at least one of use will get some sleep.
Why did I
need to be there, anyway?
Was it for
moms safety?
Having bad experiences which were unnecessary but necessary to reach out for help elsewhere. Thank God for his help in getting the resources to help. This showed us that there are caring people out there and that there was better care elsewhere and we need to advertise that. I think you're doing a great job with this and I really believe it's important for every one to realize that it's OK to ask for second opinions and I highly suggest it knowing what I know now. I shudder hadn't we gotten elsewhere, this special person in our life might not of made it this far. I thank God everyday for that and for the strength to carry on knowing that there is help out there. Just have to be patient and help others as well as we can.
I have never had to face this kind of anger in a parent I was caring for - although that may eventually come with my FIL's Alzheimer's - but I do know that horrid feeling in the pit of your stomach when your parent trusts you to do something and thinks you haven't. When the parent is afraid and disoriented, believing something is true that is only imagination and fear.
All you can do is try to reassure her, and sometimes back off and let her discover for herself that she can or cannot do something. You're doing a great job!
We just have to "let go and let God". It's true that the "bad" experiences were a driving force in the getting the appropriate help.
It' is both heart wrenching and downright scary to witness this sort of thing. Mom has been through this before, but it was always drug induced. My heart aches for those who have to live this on a day to day basis. God bless them!
As always, I appreciate your comments and encouragement!
Thanks JM!
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