We still had an hour before we would be home, I had plenty of time to worry about other things. Not being one to pass up such an opportunity, I shifted my concern and began worrying about the two steps mom would need to maneuver in order to get in to the house.
Before the surgeries, mom and I had developed a number of routines to get us through each day. For example, we knew what it took to get in and out of the house safely. I just hoped the stairs she had been practicing in rehab had been enough to prepare us for the "real thing".
Months before our departure, my brother and I had made sure every entrance was equipped with safety bars. Although moms’ prosthetic knee had been wobbly and she wasn't quick, with a spotter mom could get up the steps without too much trouble. At least she had been able to navigate the two steps BEFORE the surgeries. I wasn't so sure now; I had an uneasy feeling.
I tried to think of someone who could help me
get mom in to the house, everybody I could think of would be working. As we rounded the corner leading in to the valley, I finally voiced my concerns to mom. She didn't seem near as concerned as I was. “It should be easier without the back pain”
my mother had a point. Without the pain limiting her abilities, it really should be easier. After some
discussion we came to the conclusion we could do it just like we had before; we just had to follow our routine.
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My daughter - Showdown at Sundown triathlon |
In my mind I went through the sequence we needed to follow and was feeling much more confident as we pulled in to the garage just after 6:00PM March 21st, 2013. It had been over a month since we had attempted the steps but the stairs hadn't changed and mom was much better than she had been when we had left home in mid February. We had this!
I ran through the required steps one more time, this time I recited the rote out loud. I needed to make sure we were both clear on the routine; that we both remembered what was required to ensure moms' safety as we made our way in to the house before we made the attempt. Once I was certain we were both on the same page, the routine began.
Step one was easy: I unloaded the walker. Step two wasn't a problem: I helped mom out
of the car to a standing position. Three
and four went fine also and moms’ walker was settled at the top step with the
brakes set. We were almost there. “Hang on just a minute, mom” I wanted to unload moms wheelchair and close the hatch of my car so I could close the garage (it was cold and snow was blowing in).
My back hadn't been turned for more than a
second or two when I heard moms foot clunk against the bottom step. I turned just as my mother, seemingly in slow
motion, was holding the grab bar and swinging herself around to a sitting position. That was NOT part of the routine. I sprinted back across the garage, unfortunately I must have also been in slow motion; I couldn't get there quick enough.
I told mom to put her arms around my neck so I could
help her get up. "I can do it, but you have to trust me" I said as she hesitated. Mom was afraid she "might" hurt me. I knew if she didn't trust I could get her up, I couldn't; we would likely both get hurt. "Why didn't you wait?", I couldn't hide my annoyance at our predicament. Maybe it was more discomfort than annoyance. We had only made one bathroom stop during our nearly eight hour drive; I had to pee!
Instead of answering my question, mom told me
to call my brother. Once again she assured me she was OK. I reminded
her that my brother was working out of town; it would take him hours to get there. Mom looked dejected as I dialed my husband’s cell
phone and began unpacking the car in search of the gait belts. I couldn't leave mom just sitting there! "I needed to go to the bathroom", mom finally answered my earlier question. Just hearing her say "bathroom" nearly made me pee my pants.

"Will you be OK for a minute?", I asked mom and before she could answer, I shot past her. It had been several hours since our last stop; there was no sense in both of us bursting our bladders!
"Will you be OK for a minute?", I asked mom and before she could answer, I shot past her. It had been several hours since our last stop; there was no sense in both of us bursting our bladders!
Both my husband and son arrived within minutes of my call. As my husband helped mom to her feet she explained why she hadn't waited for me to spot her before starting up the
steps. "I thought I could make it but my toe caught on the step", mom explained. She then blushed and added, “I had to go to the bathroom”. Snarkily, I asked how that had
worked out for her. she shot me the mom look as she toddled on to the bathroom.

Mom and I had both learned valuable lessons that day.
Mom and I had both learned valuable lessons that day.
The lesson I learned was that no matter how monotonous a
routine can get, it was imperative the it was followed EXACTLY the same
each time, at least until a new routine had been established! Taking an extra few seconds to close the hatch
had NOT been part of the routine! Not following the routine had been a mistake.

Mom had learned, no matter how much better she was feeling since her surgery, she still needed help with some things. She also learned she could get to the bathroom a lot faster if
she waited for a spotter; waiting for someone to come get her up off the
step takes a bit longer.
Thankfully, other than her ego and a couple of bruises, mom was going to be alright.
I also would be fine if I could get my heart to stop thumping so hard.
We'll both be OK.
Won't we?