Thank you for continuing to follow our journey. Since my mother's passing, it has become more important than ever that I continue. Mom and I discussed my blog often and she always encouraged me to share the WHOLE story, but even with her unending support and encouragement, I felt somehow the sharing many things would strip some of the dignity I struggled so hard to help her preserve. I made a promise to my mother that after her journey home to The Lord I would reveal some of the more personal "stuff" about my role as a carer and hers as her need for care increased. As always, I will attempt to be delicate and tasteful, but some of you may find some of the details to be a bit graphic.
For today, just a poem..........
When the angels came......

For today, just a poem..........
When the angels came......

When the
angels came and took you
I’m sure
they had to know
following day was mother’s day
And I would
miss you so.
When the
angels came and took you,
Did they
feel a little shame?
They had to
know how much I’d hurt;
Mother’s Day would never be the same.
When the
angels came and took you,
Did you ask
if you could stay?
If I had been there with you,
Would they
have allowed us one more day?
When the
angels came and took you
delivered you from pain
But did they
know, for me at least,
Mother’s day
will never be the same?
Poem By Brenda Case - May 8, 2016 in honor of my mother, Mary Adams 6/13/36-5/9/2015
Big hugs.
Thanks Tanya. I know I posted this one pretty quickly after I did the last 2 posts......didn't know if you caught it or not. I always look forward to your comments :)
Hi - I came back to catch up on your blog. I'm so sorry to see that your mother died. What happened? I'm 74 years old and have had RA for about 37 years. It is a horrible disease and affects so many other systems than "just" the joints.
Please accept my condolences and my sympathy. I lost my mother to RA when she was only 59, so I know some of the things you went through.
I hope you can bring yourself to continue with your blog.
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for stopping by! Yes, I have been thinking about the blog a lot. I do plan to get back to it at some point. I really didn't know if anyone was still checking on it or not! As you know, mom had a number of health issues as a result of her long history of RA and the many medications/procedures she had done. I will definitely get back to this story as what finally took her life was not what anyone would have expected. :(
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