It wasn't everyday that I received an
invitation to such a grand affair; I couldn't believe I had gotten so
lucky! I could only imagine the guest
list. Everybody who was anybody would be
there. I would meet new people whom I
had only seen pictures of; this was so exciting! I knew it was time to reel in my imagination
when I conjured up a visual of the paparazzi clamoring for exclusive photos of
the guest of honor. Maybe I had
embellished just a little.
The truth was it wasn't luck, so much
as circumstance, that allowed me to attend this party. Moms’ medical appointments had brought me to
town; the timing was coincidence.
Five days (and six doctor
appointments) later, as I was packing the car for our trip back home, the only
memories I could recall were not pleasant ones.
It might have been easier to erase moms’ total look of devastation if
she wasn't still wearing it.
The color had drained from moms' face when the doctor told her she had to wear the brace for a full twelve weeks; 24 hours later she still looked pallid.
Preoccupation is
the only reason I can think of that would have made me miss so many signs over the next few days; it's the only excuse I have.
“I don’t have anything to wear”, mom
complained. I assured her we could go shopping if we didn't find something fitting in her over stuffed closet. I was beginning to think she didn't want to
go. I should have known better; mom was not a complainer.
“I don’t know if I can tolerate the
whole evening” mom said quietly. I was
sure she was right, that would be too long.
I promised mom that someone would bring her home whenever she was ready;
I already had a plan in place. I should
have noticed.
If I had been paying closer attention, I
might have planned better. I should have
noticed moms lack of appetite; the dark circles under her eyes; the number of
anti-nausea pills she had required; her decreased level of activity, or the tone
in her voice.
I had to quit praying for
“signs” if I wasn't going to read them anyway.
Early Monday morning, the 22nd
of April, 2013, I made all the necessary calls to family members as I followed
the ambulance to the hospital; I hadn't planned on that. Five days before the wedding, things were
going from bad to worse.
I held my breath as I watched the
ambulance sail in to the intersection. Where
were they going? Why hadn't they turned? This couldn't be happening!
They were going where all
ambulances in our area, without instructions to the contrary, seem to go; The
Regional Trauma Center. I had forgotten
to give them the contrary instructions.
They always asked which hospital; why hadn't they asked? Maybe they were part of the conspiracy! How could I stop them?!
If I didn't miss the light, I could
turn left and come around from the other side. I imagined myself as a super hero as I
visualized my plan; I wondered if anyone had ever attempted such a daring
rescue. If I got lucky, they would catch
traffic and I could beat them to the ambulance bay; I could keep them from
taking mom to that awful place.
Who was I kidding?
The only super hero I could conjure
up was “Under Dog”. I certainly felt
like an underdog.
I was consumed with guilt.
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