Today is day 12 (and my 12th post) in the 30 day blog challenge I joined. For anyone "just tuning in" this post may leave you wondering what the heck I am rambling about. I promise it won't take too long to go back and review my first 11 posts so you can catch up with my story. For anybody thinking there is nothing here that could affect you, I hope you're wrong. I hope you are wrong, not because I wish bad things for you, but because that would mean that you are truly alone in life. You see, although my story revolves around senior care giving and health care, I believe there are lessons within my story that could be applied to ANYBODY that might EVER know someone (or be someone) who is incapacitated, no matter their age.
Putting all preconceived notions I might have had when I looked at this "young" doctor and thought of Doogie Howser, I listened intently to what he had to say.
After all, Doogie was a fine doctor, right?
He felt that mom might benefit from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. He went on to explain that they didn't KNOW if it would help, but the theory was that in conjunction with her IV antibiotics it might clear the infection. It sounded like as good as any other idea I had heard so far, and the risks were minimal compared to what we had already been through. "There's also some evidence that it might help RA symptoms", he told us. That got my attention! "How soon can we start?", I wanted to know, "she's free now".
He took a lot of time that day with us. He explained everything in as much detail as we could possibly absorb, including the fact that Medicare would not pay for HBOT while she was IN the hospital - it could only be done as an outpatient service, so we would have to wait until she was discharged. He patiently repeated everything he had left on the recorder.......more than once.
Seemed each time he was coming to a close another family member would stop in, and he would start over. He wanted us to understand. He wanted to help mom get better. He cared.
He took a lot of time that day with us. He explained everything in as much detail as we could possibly absorb, including the fact that Medicare would not pay for HBOT while she was IN the hospital - it could only be done as an outpatient service, so we would have to wait until she was discharged. He patiently repeated everything he had left on the recorder.......more than once.
Seemed each time he was coming to a close another family member would stop in, and he would start over. He wanted us to understand. He wanted to help mom get better. He cared.
I managed to get in one more question before he left. "Why was this not an option before", I wanted to know. He wasn't sure why no one had said anything before. However, due to her diagnosis of "Osteomyelitis", which is one of the "approved" applications under the Medicare guidelines, she "should" qualify.
There was something way more important here. Something tickling my brain. Once again, something I was missing. Oh, yeah, I remember.....I still had questions!
What was Osteomyelitis? Where is it? When was this diagnosed? Who diagnosed it?
Why was I JUST NOW hearing about it? How serious was it?
What. Where. When. Why. Who. How.
I think that's all the "WH" questions I was told I should us in conversations in my junior high speech & language class.......not sure about the HOW. I can't remember for sure.
My brain is really wandering. That seems to happen a lot these days.
I need to get back on track. And, I needed more answers.
My heart sank as I sat in front of my computer researching this latest diagnosis.
This is really bad!
Why was I JUST NOW hearing about it? How serious was it?
What. Where. When. Why. Who. How.
I think that's all the "WH" questions I was told I should us in conversations in my junior high speech & language class.......not sure about the HOW. I can't remember for sure.
My brain is really wandering. That seems to happen a lot these days.
I need to get back on track. And, I needed more answers.
My heart sank as I sat in front of my computer researching this latest diagnosis.
This is really bad!
I wonder if the ID doctor is going to prescribe a one time a day IV antibiotic so I can take her home. I wonder when they will be able to start the HBOT. I wonder if it's going to help. I wonder if we've already waited to long. I wonder why they didn't tell us about the osteomyelitis. And, again, I am wondering if it's too late.
Life seems to be full of wonder, doesn't it?
Every day seemed to be filled with more questions than answers and most days I didn't like the answers I was able to get.
Maybe the HBOT will cure her. Maybe, now that they "think" they know what's causing the her back pain, they can figure out what to do. Maybe she can get off some of the pain pills. Maybe life will get back to normal (whatever that is). Maybe this nightmare will be over soon.
Maybe. Maybe. Maybe?
Well, maybe, but you'll have to tune in again to find out.
I certainly am not powerful enough to know today what I will face tomorrow!
Maybe the HBOT will cure her. Maybe, now that they "think" they know what's causing the her back pain, they can figure out what to do. Maybe she can get off some of the pain pills. Maybe life will get back to normal (whatever that is). Maybe this nightmare will be over soon.
Maybe. Maybe. Maybe?
Well, maybe, but you'll have to tune in again to find out.
I certainly am not powerful enough to know today what I will face tomorrow!
I agree that every life experience can teach us something.
I hope your mother is better very soon.
Visiting from UBC
That is why they refer to it as the Practice of Medicine. There is so much they don't know but I am delighted that you may, finally have someone willing really step up and help, try some things.
Yes, there is a lot of truth in that, Kathy. Unfortunately, we can only learn if we open our minds!
Thank you for your comments.
Lol! That is a standing joke in our house at this point. Of course there is a lot they don't know. New ideas; procedures; etc are being introduced daily.
I sure hope our train gets back on track some day!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your comments. I appreciate it greatly!
Have a fantastic day!
Checking in again from the UBC as your saga continues. You are providing something special with this blow by blow account, especially the way you tell the story. My heart goes out to you, your mother and your family.
Thank you for you willingness to share!
Thank you Donovan! I am so pleased to see you again! Thank you for your compliment, you are very kind.
Thank you for your kind thoughts and words. I hope you will follow me to the end of this challenge and (probably) beyond! lol, and thank you for thanking me - it truly does help me to know that maybe there is some benefit in my story for others!
I'll be checking in on yours soon! Just got in for the evening & trying to relax a little.
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