If you're "just tuning in" this post may leave you wondering what the heck I am rambling about, I hope you take the time to go back and review my earlier posts so you can catch up with our story. I very much appreciate your thoughts and comments For anyone who has been along for the whole wild ride - Thank you!
.....the pact we'd made...........
“Do you know how fast you were
going?” the police man asked and then answered, “TWO, you were going 2 miles
per hour”!
The lady smiled and replied, “Yes,
Sir, I always obey the speed limit. I
saw the sign that said “2””.
The officer explained to her that “2”
was the highways number NOT the speed limit as he glanced in to the back seat
where three more little old ladies
looked terrified and windblown. “What’s the matter with them?” the policeman
asked the driver.
“Oh, they’ll be fine; we just came
off highway 101” was her reply.

I still had a few questions, “So,
will mom have to go home on the IV antibiotics after all”? I was pleased when the answer from the PA was
they will all be oral”. “How long will
she have to continue them?” I wanted to know.
They wanted mom to be treated for a minimum of six months with three,
possibly 4, heavy duty (and very expensive) medications. My mind was trying to quickly calculate the
best and worst case scenarios when I asked, “So, she will still be on the
antibiotics when they put in the prosthesis in October, right”? I felt numb; I couldn't have heard her answer
right! I felt the heat in my whole body;
I thought I was going to pass out. At
that point I didn't know if the horror I saw on my mother’s face was because of
the news we had just received or if it was due to my reaction to said news.
My eyes widened; my voice thundered;
and the Physician’s Assistant looked terrified as she visibly flinched and,
since the only way for her to get to the door was through us, she slid her
chair as far from me as she could get without crawling under the desk. After a moment or two of silence, the PA
flinched again at the sound of my voice.
“Nobody ever said anything about mom having that rod in her leg and not
being able to walk for SIX MONTHS. I can’t
even get her in the car to take her home!” I roared in the small room. This is where rational and emotional collided
and nearly derailed me.
I tried to calm myself as I listened
to the shaky voice of the PA as she very quietly explained, once again, the
complications of this new infection
as well as the time frame of “usual”
treatment. Rationally I knew that they
were doing everything they could for mom; rationally I knew we were lucky they
had found this infection here or it wouldn't have ever been found at home;
rationally I knew that we were going to do whatever it took to fight this
infection as long as mom had any fight left in her; rationally I knew the tears
I felt stinging my cheeks were from the emotional turmoil I was feeling at that
moment; rationally I knew I was being selfish.
Emotionally, however, I was a
wreck. Although I truly did have a lot
concern about moms’ immobility, that was only part of my falling apart. If mom didn't get her new knee prosthesis until mid to late January 2014, she would likely be in the hospital and/or rehab when my third grand baby was due to arrive BACK HOME; I so wanted to be home with my younger daughter and her husband when their first child made a debut. While I was contemplating what we would do next, the PA managed to step between us and excused herself from the room. With tears glistening in her eyes, my mother said, “I’m sorry honey”.
concern about moms’ immobility, that was only part of my falling apart. If mom didn't get her new knee prosthesis until mid to late January 2014, she would likely be in the hospital and/or rehab when my third grand baby was due to arrive BACK HOME; I so wanted to be home with my younger daughter and her husband when their first child made a debut. While I was contemplating what we would do next, the PA managed to step between us and excused herself from the room. With tears glistening in her eyes, my mother said, “I’m sorry honey”.

I stepped beside mom and wrapped my
arms around her. “We’ll get through
it. Whatever it takes, right?” I said reminding
mom of the pact we’d made nearly a year earlier.