If you're "just tuning in" this post may leave you wondering what the heck I am rambling about, I hope you take the time to go back and review my earlier posts so you can catch up with our story. I very much appreciate your thoughts and comments.
For anyone who has been along for the whole wild ride - Thank you!
We Needed A Miracle
With my younger daughters’ wedding behind us and the
first of the goals accomplished, our sites were set on what was to
come. The future held a lot of
uncertainty for us; it also held a lot of hope and promise. With absolutely no control over our
collective futures, I reminded myself daily to “Let go and let God”; of course
we all know that is sometimes easier said than done. All I could do was follow the instructions
the surgeon had given to mom and pray.
We needed a miracle.
Mom had to be off of the antibiotic for at least 2 weeks
before the surgeon would culture her knee for infection, once that was done the
surgery would be scheduled to remove the prosthetic knee that my mother had been
sporting since 1987. It was decided that
mom would stop taking the Levoquin on May 6th 2013, which would more
than prepare her system for the culture that would be drawn on May 30th.
“Last time it was
only a matter of days before you got sick and ended up back in the hospital”, the
infectious disease doctor reminded mom, “I’d much rather you stop it on a
Monday so I will be more readily available if there is a problem”. I prayed hard that there wouldn't be a
problem, but after mom stopped the antibiotic I was worried sick that there
would be.
I also worried constantly about my daughter who was
nearing the end of her second pregnancy and was starting to have some problems;
her first pregnancy had resulted in an emergency C-Section, and a delightful
baby boy.
I was still holding out hope for mom’s surgery to be
scheduled just before my daughters’ baby was due to arrive, which was June 15th,
2013. Since my daughter lived in the
same city we traveled to for moms’ surgeons, I might have an opportunity to
spend some time with my daughter and the baby while mom was in rehab. My hopes were dashed when I received an email
from the surgeon explaining that the surgery would likely be done six weeks
after the cultures were drawn - which would make it the middle of July before
the resection of her knee would be done.
On the 27th of May I was feeling disconcerted
and out of sorts as we made our five hour trip for moms appointments on the 29th
and 30th; I was heartbroken that I wouldn't be there when my granddaughter was
born. I was still trying to figure out a
way that I could make another trip in two weeks when my daughter was due. I didn't know who could take care of mom for
more than a day or two if I left, I also knew I would worry about her endlessly
and that wouldn't be a help to my daughter.
As we drove over the mountains I chatted with mom about
possible scenarios of who could care for her while I was away. We finally decided mom should just make the
trip with me. After all, there was no
law that required us to have a doctor’s appointment to go; we could go for fun! Besides, living long enough to meet her newest
great granddaughter had been another of moms’ goals; it gave her something to
focus on. We had a plan!
Although I was pleased that mom had agreed to make the
trip, something seemed to be nagging at me; I just knew we would not be
traveling in another two weeks. Something
was wrong but I had no idea what it was.
I tried to put all the negativity out of my mind; I needed to focus on
mom and the business at hand. I didn't have time to give in to the tears that wanted to flow as I realized I would not
be there on my daughters due date in mid June; the lump in my throat was so big
it was painful.
I reminded myself to be thankful for what I had and felt
some consolation that we would arrive with a full day to spare before the
battery of appointments mom would have to endure. The extra day would allow me some time to
spend with my daughter, her husband and my grandson, which softened the blow
that I wouldn't be there if my daughter needed me; that my granddaughter would
likely be a full month old before I would meet her.
I prayed for a miracle. I should qualify that, I prayed for ANOTHER
miracle. No, that’s not right either; I
prayed for a LOT of miracles.
As we pulled in to the parking lot of the facility where
moms first set of appointments were on the morning of the 29th of
May, I thought it was a miracle we had made it in time.
As we finished the day’s appointments just under three
hours later, I thought it had been a miracle that we had gotten through so
As we drove back across town through traffic, I realized
it had been a miracle that mom seemed to be doing so well after quitting the
When we arrived back at the hotel I called my daughter to
let her know we were done for the day and how things had gone. She listened to my report of moms’ condition
and the outcome of the days appointments before telling me her own news for the
With tears in my eyes I returned to the room to explain
the new turn of events to my mother. My
daughters’ news would definitely change our plans.
“I don’t think we’re going to be able to go
out to lunch after your appointment tomorrow, we’ll just grab something on the
way back”, I knew mom would understand that I needed that time with my
daughter; my mothers’ resilience and adaptability never ceased to amaze me. I’m sure she might have been a little
disappointed, but I had a plan to make it up to her!
As I lay in bed that night I prayed for yet another
I lost count of the many miracles The Lord had already
blessed me with as I fell asleep that night.
Was it selfish of me to pray for more?